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My name is Marc Sanchez.

I'm a photographer. Photography is not just a hobby, it's a way of life, you have to feel it and that is what I want to convey my photos.
I consider each project as a goal and as such thanks to the technique, I try to be perfect. I work under pressure and solve the difficulties that I have always seeking perfection.
Given my geographic situation I have specialized in landscapes, architecture and photography of concerts. I have a small photographic studio where I spend most of my time shooting portraits and still lifes especially for both advertising and personally.
I have had the great good fortune to study in the IEFC (Institute of Photographic Studies of Catalonia), where apart from formarme academically I have been told what to specialize.
Among my skills include leadership skills and communication, manage projects and always use the technique. Self-taught in the world of video, I'm taking the first steps burdening documentaries,
short and rolling up my study sessions.

Contact me

¡For indoor or outdoor sessions and inclusion in my study!

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Social networks


Telephone: 638584998

  • Facebook - Black Circle
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  • YouTube - Black Circle

 C. Pare Martí Grivé 2Bis, fila C casa 3, Vilafranca del P. (08720, Barcelona, Spain). 

Appointment via phone or email

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